What is the difference between Family and Standard Menus?

Family Plan is a separate menu from our standard Home Chef menu. Each week only 1 menu can be ordered from your Home Chef account. (You can switch between plans from week to week, but remember that any selections you made for future weeks on your original plan will not be saved if you switch back and forth.)

Family Plan offers easy-to-make, cost-effective meals with family-friendly flavors! It has some of the same types of meals as our Standard Home Chef menu like Oven Ready and Fast and Fresh with some new offerings like taco kits. All meals on Family Plan are sold in increments of 4 servings, while meals on our Standard menu start at increments of 2 servings.

Our Standard Home Chef menu does include a few meals off the Family Plan menu and also allows for protein customization options.

Also, see our FAQ about subscription plans here.

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